Download Classroom Rules Presentation and Poster for ESL Class
Happy Everyday English Classroom Rules Presentation, Flashcards and Poster
Classroom Rules Software for Teachers
It can be intimidating as a new teacher to come up with an effective set of rules for your class and that's where the Happy Everyday English rules software comes in!
A solid set of rules can make or break a class. The rules should be clear and to the point. There should be no miscommunication. I've used this set of rules in my classes for a long, looooong time.
On this page you can find downloads for the Rules introduction, rules flashcards, and the classroom rules poster. I also break down the rules below so you know the meaning behind them and how best to use them.
Classroom Rules Introduction and Breakdown
List of Classroom Rules
The software, flashcards, and poster detail the following seven rules. If you follow these rules in your class, you'll be able to have fun and effective lessons! Good luck!
Class!/Yes!: When you say "class" students should stop what they are doing, do rules 2-5, and say "yes" with their arms folded. They should also mimic the way you say 'class'. If you say it loud, they should say it loud. If you say it low, they say it low. This rule is the most important rule and is also your attention getter. Using this effectively can help you focus students' attention on you as well as stop naughty behavior without outright addressing it. Use this rule as often as necessary and don't continue the class until students are following you.
Eyes: Look at the teacher. Students should be focused on you, the teacher, throughout most of the class. When you say "Class", students should say 'Yes', cross their arms, and look at you.
Mouth: Shhhh when the teacher is talking. If you are talking, students shouldn't be. This classroom rule helps reinforce that. When you say "Class", students should say 'Yes', cross their arms, look at you, and shhhh.
Ears: Students should listen to you, the teacher. If you are talking, students shouldn't be listening to anyone else. When you say "Class", students should say 'Yes', cross their arms, look at you, shhhh, and listen to you.
Chair: Students should sit down. When you are conducting the class, students should remain seated unless instructed otherwise (such as when playing a game, partaking in an active time, or other such instance). When you say "Class", students should say 'Yes', cross their arms, look at you, shhhh, listen to you, and sit down.
Computer: Don't touch the computer unless the teacher says it's OK to do so. This goes for the actual computer and the whiteboard.
Hands Up: This classroom rule helps ensure that if students are answering questions, they should raise their hands. This helps keep your class orderly. (When I play games, I drop this rule).
Explanation of the Classroom Rules Materials Here
Rules Software
The Classroom Rules Software pretty much acts like a PPT or Smart Notebook lesson file that you can use to introduce the rules in your class.
It has three sections:
Presentation: A simple presentation that allows you to introduce the rules one by one.
All Rules: This section shows all of the rules at once. You can touch a rule picture and the software will focus on that.
Tips: You'll find a list of tips to help you with using these rules (and rules in general) in your classroom.
Classroom Rules Poster
This is a simple poster that you can printout and display in your class. I have this poster displayed in my class so the rules always have a presence.
I'll often use this poster at the beginning of class to help reinforce the rules.
Even during the lesson, if students are talking or being a bit naughty, I'll point to the rules poster and often they'll correct their behavior without the need to stop class.
Classroom Rules Flashcards
When you talk about the classroom rules (during introduction or reinforcement) perhaps you would like to have flashcards rather than a poster or software presentation....
Well, these flashcards are for you! ^^
Black and White Classroom Rules Pictures
I have also included black and white pictures of the different rules that you can print and color yourself. You can make your own class poster or flashcards with them. I removed the numbers in them as well in case you'd like to omit certain rules.
Games can also be a great way to motivate students to behave. These ones here can do the trick!
In UFO Carnage two teams of students go head to head in order to destroy their city the fastest.
In Castle Wreckers 2 teams of students fire cannons to destroy castles. Also includes a full class mode.
Two teams go head to head in this combative class game. They start by choosing their characters and then compete to answer questions.