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Frequently Asked Questions

Below I have compiled a list of questions that I am asked once in a while.  If you have a question that you don't see below, feel free to send me a message on this website using the Let's Chat button.  I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Question: What should I download first?

Well, first off I'd like to thank you for taking the time to check out Happy Everyday English! There is a lot of content here, from games to lessons to tools.  I'd recommend checking out this content first:


1.  Download the Free Game: Get the Bananas.

If you are curious about the content that I make, this is a great place to start.  It's a free game and operates similarly to other games that I make.  You can download this interactive ESL game here.






2. Download the Free Lessons

The lessons on the site are great for young learners and can be used to plan a plethora of classes or add useful supplemental material to your existing content.  Each lesson includes vocabulary introduction, a presentation, nearly two dozen games and activities, as well as flashcards.  These lessons are great for young students.  Check out the ESL lessons here.

3. Download Some Free Tools

I have also developed a small collection of tools that you can download for free.  These tools range from timers, a randomized name selector, classroom spinners, and even some small games.  Download these ESL class digital tools here.

4. Download the Free Demo Game Bundles

You can download a demo for most of the Happy Everyday English games.  These games are the full version of the game...except they stop working after five minutes.  This is a great way to preview the games yourself and find ones that fit your class and specific needs. 

Download the demos here.

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Question: How do I play these games?


Although the games are all different, they are easy to use.  To play each game, all you need to do is follow the on screen instructions.  A lot of thought and care went into the development of each game. 

Some games do have more advanced features but these are optional.  I recommend playing the game normally before you change any of those options.  Once you have more experience with a game, feel free to further customize it and make it more challenging for your students.

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Question: Can I edit the games?


You can edit the teaching content of the games such as questions, keywords, and pictures.

  • Questions: To add or edit questions into one of the HEE games, you simply need to edit an included text document file.  After you edit the file, save, and then open the game.  The game will read your document and insert the questions directly into the game.  You don't need to know any coding or have any advanced software to do this!

  • Keywords: Adding keywords to practice is done in the same way as adding questions.

  • Pictures: You can also include your own pictures when playing games.  Adding pictures is only slightly more complicated than adding questions and keywords and an easy to follow manual is included with each game that tells you how

Many options can also be edited to make the games fit your class better.  These options vary from game to game but include things such as how many rounds there are, game difficulty, team versus or cooperation modes, and plenty of other options.

Game images themselves and other necessary content cannot be edited.

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Question: Do I need to install anything extra to use your software?


Nothing!  You do not need to install any other software to run my games, lessons, and other software.  I develop these games as standalone apps and software.  You do not need to install Powerpoint or Smart Notebook or any other software to use these games.

Question: Are these PPT games?


No.  The games and lessons that I develop are not Powerpoint games.  My software is a lot more powerful and dynamic than your average PPT games. 

Question: Can I use these games when teaching online?


There are many different online platforms for teaching.  The games work with some of the platforms and not with others. 


I recommend downloading the free game Get the Bananas and test it with your platform before making a purchase.  You can download this game here

Some of the more action heavy games like Roly Powly Bowly and Castle Wreckers work best when using them in the classroom with interactive boards.​

Question: How do you make your games?


With a lot of love, care, and dedication!  As far as what software I use to develop my games....

1. Flash CS6: I make all of the

content that you find on this site

in Flash CS6 using the AS2

coding language.  I can draw,

animate, code and develop an

entire game in Flash CS6 and

that is why I continue to use it. 

However, you do not need to

have flash installed to play my

games as I export them as

windows executable programs


This coding language and software development method is mostly dead at this point and if you are interested in developing your own content I advise against using Flash.  There are much easier and more relevant methods available now...such as....

2. Construct: I use Construct to develop new games available for my patreon members.  These games are played in a browser, don't need to be downloaded or installed.  Construct is a pretty easy-to-use software development kit.  With it, the games I develop can be played on nearly any device! 

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Question: Can you recommend a game for me?

Certainly!  I have a wide selection of games and I often get this question.  Here are a few recommendations based on certain things:

"I want an exciting game." 

For this, I'd recommend Castle Wreckers, Volcano Escape, and Pirate Treasure Hunt.

"I teach very young students.  Can you recommend a game for them?"

If you're teaching very young students, you might want to start with some easier games such as Pearl Finder, Snakes and Ladders, and Go Go Go.

"Are any games suitable for older students?"

Most games are geared for primary school students but they can be used with students of all ages.  Some games that work best with the older students though would be: Pirate Treasure Hunt, Snakes and Ladders, Roly Powly Bowly, and Spin That Wheel.


Question: Can you make a specific game or lesson for me?

There are two answers to this question.

1. For schools: Yes!

From time to time I work with schools to help them develop teaching materials such as games, lessons, flashcards, worksheets, videos, and other content.  For more information you can check the Hire Me page here on this website.  Check it out here.

2. For teachers: No, sorry.

While teachers can always hire me to help them develop content, it is often cost prohibitive if it's just a lesson or a special game for a lesson.  Sorry about that.  However, you can suggest a game to me and perhaps if I like it and if it's something I feel would work well as a teaching game, I could put it in production.  Send me a message here on the website with your idea or send me an e-mail at


Question: Can I play these games on a MAC computer?


Sorry, at this point the content available on this site does not work on MAC computers running IOS operating systems.  Luckily, most classroom computers use a Windows based operating system.  If you're curious if my software will work on your computer, you can download any of the free content that I make and try one of them on your computer.  All of my games and content are made the same way and thus if you can play one of them, you can play all of them. 

Download the free game, Get the Bananas here.

Check out the lesson software here.

Check out the tools and small games here.

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